Sunday 14 April 2013

I know...

This is one of two of my all time favourite scenes from a movie. The other one is where  Rhett Butler leaves Scarlett O’Hara, after they escape Atlanta, to join the Confederates, in Gone With The Wind. I love that because although Scarlett is undoubtedly worried and scared she sucks it up and gives him that look of ‘Stuff you, I’ll survive this without you.’  To my mind, few writers, can write that any more.

But back to ‘I know.’ That is so male. Why? Because here is this powerful woman in Princess Leia who really needs no one and she suddenly puts it out there she loves Han Solo and his response, just as he could be going to his doom, is ‘I know.’ Not I love you or You’ll be in by heart forever or even I’d give my test testicle for one last kiss from you. He says I know and frustrates women all over the world.  Rarely ever have I read a scene like this in book. I think it’s because romance writers want to wrap everything up into a happy bundle in a world where happy bundles are rare. It’s a shame really because real life, with all the I know moments, is much more exciting.  

But, we know...


anny cook said...

Funny you should say this as I'm reading a series right now where the guy is definitely an "I know" kind of guy...

Unknown said...

That is a series I would like to read